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There is a thought that has come into my mind in the past and especially around Christmas that is not quite ever defined accurately.  The thought or question is simply what is the spirit of Christmas or what is Christmas Spirit?” We hear it used all the time, but what does it mean?  Can it be biblically defined? Is something that God wants from us?  All of these are good questions (at least, I say that to myself because I’m the one asking them).    


Everyone has their own opinion as to what Christmas spirit is.  If you watch any of the “Hallmark” type Christmas movies (I endured one the other day for my lovely wife) – they will tell you, and I quote: “Christmas, it is about a feeling, a feeling you can’t put into words” (that’s deep), or “it is peace, joy, and doing good for others.” Others will say it is about Santa Clause or a multitude of other explanations. 


If you look up Christmas you will find that its etymology simply means Christ’s – Mass.[i]  Christ conjoined with the Eucharists, a mainly Catholic and Anglican term coined, depending on which source you look at, anywhere from year 1000-1350 AD.

But does the Bible say anything about it?  Is there a Christmas Spirit?  Well, not exactly, at least, not in the context of justifying Christmas or defining Christmas Spirit. In fact, but the Bible calls it something else.  Instead of Christmas Spirit it mentions the phrase “Spirit of Christ” twice in the King James Bible.  The two references are as follows:


Romans 8:9 

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 

1 Peter 1:11 

Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. 


So according to these two verses and their context – the Spirit of Christ is two-fold.  Maybe these are things that we should focus on because they are things that God’s Word has focused on.


The Spirit of Christ is about salvation.  

As Romans 8:9 says, having the Spirit of Christ is having the Spirit of God – which in turn would mean the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  The Spirit of God takes up residence in our heart and lives (1 Corinthians 6:19) at the moment of our salvation and we are made anew (2 Corinthians 5:7).  Friend, you cannot have the Spirit of Christ apart from salvation.  Thus, our first reference ends with “…Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.”  Friends, we cannot know God, know about Christ, or understand the Spirit of Christ until we repent of our sin and place our faith solely in Him as our Lord and Savior. 


The Spirit of Christ is also about prophecy, suffering and glory – His glory.   

That is what the context of 1 Peter 1:11 teaches us.  The prophets of the Old Testament had looked diligently for the Messiah’s coming.  Indeed, He has come – born in Bethlehem 2,000 years ago.  And oh, how He suffered, like no other man – that He might redeem man back to God by the shedding of His blood and death on the cross.  Therefore, all glory belongs to Him for He has come to save us from our sin by sacrificing Himself in our stead – paying our sin debt. ALL GLORY AT CHRISTMAS TIME BELONGS TO HIM.  Give glory to no other – not to a guy in red suit, not to any other “father” and certainly not to ourselves, but only to Him who redeemed man to Himself with the greatest gift that has ever been given, HIMESELF FOR US!  


That is what Christmas should be about, that is what Christmas Spirit should be about – it should always be all about the Lord Jesus Christ and the salvation He brought to man!  May each of us display that Spirit of Christ-mas to this lost and dying world so they can know Him and receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life.  

- Pastor Mark Sage



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