Often, I hear complaints about what is going on in the world today and in churches. People have become disillusioned with society and even with church. They are mad at their government, upset with society with its wicked pop-culture, critical of churches, and always blame someone else for whatever woes have come there way. We blame politicians for their corruption, the government for deceiving us, the schools for brainwashing the children, the church for not being exciting enough or having enough ministries and the pastor for not being deep enough/hard enough/soft enough/or inspiring enough or whatever criticism we have. Then everyone seems to have a “disease,” a trauma, or a disability, giving themselves an excuse for what they do or why they allow sin in their own life.
As bad as all these things are, they are going to continue. The world will still be wicked and hate God as the Bible says. When the world speaks well of the church – woe to that church or preacher (Luke 6:26). So, we are not going to affect this world by picketing or protesting – by constantly watching the news or listening to podcasts or by have your favorite candidates in office. No, there is something else you can do and it will do more good than having 100,000 followers on Social media. It will be even be more effective than having the secret answer to the latest internet conspiracy.
The greatest need in 2024 is that you would have a REAL WALK WITH GOD. God says that He is looking for people that He can show Himself strong for:
2 Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him."
The people who have a heart that is perfect are people that truly walk with the Lord. They spend time devoted to Him each day - reading His Word and spending consecrated time in their prayer closet. These are people that walk with Him through the day, meditating on the truths they have learned that morning, the verse they have been memorizing, and the rejoicing that it brings. These people are allowing God to daily transform their lives into what God wants them to be. These are people that faithfully attend and serve in their local churches and are walking in the Spirit of God being controlled by the Him to touch lives around them. God will you such believers to win people, to impact society in the most important ways possible – impacting them for God, for salvation of souls, and for righteousness. This is the only way to give true and lasting change in society, God using His holy vessels, the believers, to win others and touch everyone around them.
Yes, the greatest need of 2024 (as it always has been) is for each and every believer to live transformed lives, transformed by God and His Word – by daily walking with Him – putting off the old man and his nature, and putting on the new man which is in Christ. That person can make a difference and fulfill the needs of 2024. Paul, in his day, did not rely on any politician, any influencer, any media other than the Word of God, the local church, and the changed lives of believers who walked with God. We can do the same today. THE GREATEST NEED OF 2024 IS THAT EACH OF US WOULD WALK WITH GOD!
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