Pied Piper (compote.slate.com) |
You may recall the story of the Pied Piper who led away the rats from the town of Hamelin (Germany) to save the town from a plague. Later, because he was not paid for his services – the Pied Piper came back playing his pipe and led the children away in retaliation. The story dates back to possibly 1200 A.D. (yes, I still use A.D. & B.C.). The story is a metaphor for someone who through their charisma, talent, or even lies attracts a following to use or abuse.
But there is actually an earlier metaphor than that which teaches a different and more important truth. It is found in Matthew 11:16-17 and also Luke 7:32 where Christ says:
The response was not good. The rest of the passage teaches that rather than repent, they attacked the messengers (John the Baptist and Jesus Christ). No matter if they played something positive such as at wedding or a sobering message such as at a funeral – there was no response. Though people heard – it seems no one was listening!
The teaching is clear for our generation. Christians continue to ignore the plain teaching of Jesus Christ? How long will we continue to say – “It is the pastor, teacher, the church, or the program that is the problem.” When the real problem is that we need to humble ourselves before God – ask for his forgiveness for our callous heart and bitter soul. We need to ask God to give us a new heart of joy; an anointing of fresh oil for service; and a zeal again for His Word.
The Word is being preached; the ministry goes on but are we listening to what God is saying to us? Don’t miss your devotions each day, where you are alone with God as He teaches us through Bible study, Bible meditation, and devoted prayer. Don’t neglect the church services where God is leading your pastor and using the preaching and teaching to touch your soul and give you what you need in order to grow in the faith. It can’t happen if you are not there – and it can’t help if you are not listening.
God has given us everything we need – we need to avail ourselves of everything He has given to us.
- Pastor Mark Sage
But there is actually an earlier metaphor than that which teaches a different and more important truth. It is found in Matthew 11:16-17 and also Luke 7:32 where Christ says:
But whereunto shall I liken this generation? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, and saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented.That piper was not a “pied piper” (pied meant multicolored outfit) – no, He was one that was simple, unremarkable, straight forward in His preaching and teaching. He didn’t have a special charisma about Him accept the Holy Spirit, no talent other than truths that He taught, no clever manipulations of lives – just simply confronting people with the truth of His eternal Word. Christ was hoping and willing that all would respond.
The Word is being preached; the ministry goes on but are we listening to what God is saying to us? Don’t miss your devotions each day, where you are alone with God as He teaches us through Bible study, Bible meditation, and devoted prayer. Don’t neglect the church services where God is leading your pastor and using the preaching and teaching to touch your soul and give you what you need in order to grow in the faith. It can’t happen if you are not there – and it can’t help if you are not listening.
God has given us everything we need – we need to avail ourselves of everything He has given to us.
- Pastor Mark Sage
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