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Have you ever felt like God wanted you to serve Him in some greater capacity? Then you considered yourself and decided that you were not up to the task? That is how most people feel as well. There are a couple of issues here though. First, we need to get our eyes off of ourselves and then we need to realize that God will enable us and anoint us to do anything He calls us to. 

Let's consider David in this subject. In all David was anointed three times in his life. Each time he was anointed there was an escalation of blessings as well as responsibilities. The carnal man wants blessing without responsibility - but God looks for those He can use that are willing to help bear the burden of ministry and that He can bless as a result. The blessing I'm talking about is not of material goods, though God provides such things for us, but the blessing is to be use of Him in His service in a greater way for His kingdom and for His glory.

David, even in his youth, was already serving and bearing burdens. He was in charge of the sheep - he defended them risking his life against a bear and a lion - and God delivered him. He was already trusting in His Lord. Then in 1 Samuel 16:13, Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him in the midst of his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. His new task at that time was to become a leader and defender of Israel while he served under king Saul (another great illustration of "followship") and would one day become king.

God wasn't finished with David yet. He was anointed the second time over the house of Judah as their king (2 Samuel 5:3) and then the third anointing was as king over all of Israel (2 Samuel 5:3). Each time there was a greater task but also the greater blessing of being able to serve in a great capacity.

I want to point out the the progression here. David was faithful in his task so God anointed and filled with the Holy Spirit to help him with greater responsibility. David was faithful in the new task with God's help. Then God anointed him a second time for a greater task and third time for an even greater task.

The application for us is clear. May you and I be faithful in the task He has already given us. May we serve Him to the best of our ability with His help and guidance. When God leads us to a greater task - He will also anoint us and enable us by the Holy Spirit to be able to accomplish the task. We need not fear failing - because God will help us to do anything He has called us to do. 

Paul, in the New Testament taught the same:  

1 Timothy 1:12  And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry; 

Paul was faithful, God enabled him, and put into service. With God's help and enabling we can be fitted for His service. May each of us serve God and trust Him as He leads us into more or greater service. May we follow David's example, Paul's encouragement and grow in our service to God.

Pastor Mark Sage


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