There is a hymn that I used to hear as a special at church when I was younger, the lyrics were basically a question that we need to ask ourselves and it went as follows: Do you really want revival? Do you really want God’s power? Do you really want His Spirit To control your life this hour? Oh, repent and turn to Jesus, Seek his face and humbly pray. Do you really want Revival? Are you willing to obey? If we really want revival and for God’s help in our lives, family, church, community, and nation it is going to start with: 1. Turning back to God with complete repentance of sin and full dependence on Him. ( James 4:10 ; 1 Peter 5:7 ) Don’t depend on yourself, your reasoning, your strength, your abilities. Look to and trust in the Lord. Ask forgiveness for your wayward and backslidden condition. Quit excusing yourself and come clean with God and turn from your sin or disobedience. 2. Obeying God ( John 14:15 ) Thi...