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Showing posts from December, 2021

Letter To Mason City Council in Support of Sanctuary City for the Unborn Ordinance

To each of the Mason Council Members & Leadership, I wanted to thank you, applaud you for the decision that was made last October to make the City of Mason a Sanctuary City for the Unborn. I know that it was a controversial ordinance in some people's eyes - but it was a right one. I am thankful for you and all those that are willing to make right decisions though facing criticism from a “loud” but “small” crowd that looks to make it a “human right” to abort a human child.  The Bible teaches that the “powers that be are ordained of God” ( Romans 13:1 ) which you are for the City of Mason. God has allowed you to have that important position, USE IT WELL! You have within your power to wield for the defenseless or yield to the selfish. It is your responsibility to do what is right - and you should do it no matter the criticism or the cost because that is the oath you took. Right is always right, truth is always truth, and there is nothing more precious...